2011年11月2日 星期三

Sound Diary # 4 – 聽進內心




Sound Presentation: Mid-term

鐵漢柔情 A Rocker's love is as tender as water by Clymei

<鐵漢柔情A Rocker's love is as tender as water >
This is a story about a rocker who searches for his true love in traditional market in Taiwan.

A Rocker may not be a hero, but he would definitely fight for whatever matters to him.
An adventure, within full passion, takeing him through the challenge from the temple, the threat from the market vender,  and........here comes the sisters of "The same evil three" called" La-We-Che-Lo"!!!

No doubt that he survives, and makes his honest confession.

Lights up! The legend /play /dream continues.......

我的靈感主要是來自於市場裡各種叫賣聲交織的喧鬧音像, 但過多的訊息在反覆多次之後顯得紛雜,於是配合與同學嘻鬧時的錄音內容,我開始設想一個故事: 一個熱愛古典樂的搖滾樂手,總是在矛盾與衝動之間取得平衡, 這一天, 他通過寺廟住持的考驗, 前進危機四伏的傳統市場,最後終於擊敗惡名昭彰, 名為"啦為切囉"的"一樣邪惡三姐妹",並做出了最誠摯的告白

這或許是一個傳說, 一齣戲劇, 不過夢總可以繼續做下去

2011年9月28日 星期三

Sound Diary # 3 – Hell No Alice in Wonderland

As the coming of autumn, one could easily feel the cool breeze blowing. Walking on the mountain road which leads to the side entrance of TNUA, the wind embraced me surprisingly like a warm hug, with different rhythms. When the wind kissed the tree, making the sound of ocean waves…Woosh! Woosh!Shoo…Shoo…
I closed my eyes, feeling the spindrift, and…. Splash! guess what?
It was not the spindrift but groups of withered leaf being blown from the earth to my face.
Thwap! It was a kissing touch from the brown-sugar-colored leaf, a kiss from the falling life.
Tick Tock…Tick Tock…
I thought the mystical rabbit from Alice in Wonderland was waiting for me in the front

Sound Diary #2 – Sound Nomination Questionnaire

1. 類似瀑布的水流聲
2. 超音速-先沒有聲音;次音速-飛機飛過的聲音。
3. 打雷聲
4. Biu~ Biu~
5. 啪!

Sound Diary #1 不被諒解的聲音

Date2011- 9 -18
